My Mind: May 2008

30 May 2008

This could SOOO be me lately!!!


28 May 2008

I got pictures!

Well, today I went into the hospital for some testing, and got better news than I was expecting! Also, somewhat oddly, I was given souvenir photos! I haven't decided if I want to post them, but it is a thought. I just found it so odd, like I was on a rollercoaster at Six Flags or something! Am I supposed to frame them or put them in my scrapbook?

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27 May 2008

I found a new toy I want!

Ok, maybe I am a bit late, but I really want the new Armani phone!


26 May 2008

Marketing Gone Wrong...

Gee, I wonder why this is no longer on the market? Things that make you go hmmm.
By the way, I never knew you had flavour options with it.....

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The Various Sides of Me

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Happy Memorial Day!

Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!

If you truly wish to support our troops, let your legislators know you are opposed to further involvement in Iraq!

To search for your elected representatives, you can simply go to the following link and follow the instructions to contact your legislators.

And while you are feeling political, why not stop by the Democratic Party web site and show your support!


25 May 2008

Subdued Sunday

This has definitely been an interesting, though not exciting weekend. I have bumped into a few people whom I have not spoken with in a few years, which is a good thing. I am also trying to get myself back up to speed with some normal activity, though I still cannot eat normally. I spent all day today online listening to music, watching videos, and chatting with friends. Not a very productive day in a typical sense, but a very necessary day, nonetheless!

I was very happy to get a chance to talk with Matthew this morning. We chat online on a regular basis, but this was the first time we actually talked in a while. Oh, FYI, he has also begun blogging again, so let's see if we can both stick with it this time. It is after all, quite therapeutic in many ways. For those who may not remember, the URL for Matthew's site is http://matthew.houseofdrama.net. Now how easy is that?!

I am also glad that today has been a quiet day on the street. The people across the street, and I use the term people very loosely, are beyond tedious, trying, tacky, and tawdry! To say I cannot stand them is an understatement! Ever since they have moved in there has been non-stop commotion. I can only hope that they lose their lease on the house, since they are renting it. Those of us who own our homes are so fed up with them and their antics it is ridiculous! Ok, I'll just come right out and say it, they are TRASH!!! Keep checking back, as I am sure there will be future mention of them, unfortunately.

Anyway, it is getting late (God! I am getting old when 10:15 p.m. is late!) and I still have to go do the dishes and take the dogs out for their last walk.

Oh! I just remembered! Tomorrow is a holiday! WooHoo for the 4-day weekend!



24 May 2008

No, I haven’t fallen backwards…

I know, it has been almost a week, but I haven't fallen back on old habits, I just haven't been feeling well. Wednesday night I ended up paying a visit to the friendly neighbourhood Emergency Room. What joy! What bliss! What rapture! FYI, if you ever have a CT scan you will know that it is not a fun sensation when they inject you with the contrast dye! Anyway, fortunately they didn't find anything grossly abnormal, though I have to go back on Wednesday for further testing. In a way I am relieved they didn't see anything on the scans, but at the same time, at least if they did I would have a better idea of what is going on, and they would have a better idea of how to treat me. It's almost like involuntary anorexia! I am literally becoming afraid to eat, because every time I do, I end up in horrible abdominal pain requiring large amounts of Morphine. Hopefully they will get a better clue this upcoming week. Fingers crossed…



18 May 2008

Sunday Mornings…

Sitting here listening to Peace Orchestra's Who Am I on a Sunday morning raises a few questions for me.

Who indeed am I? Who, what have I become?

I used to be so full of life, energy, joy, excitement. Now, I often feel like a broken shell of that long ago personae.

Time for some personal reflection….



17 May 2008

Some things just never change…

It's interesting to know that some things just never seem to change. Why is it (wow! Flashback! Do y'all remember that song??) that you can clearly state what you are all about, what you are looking for, and STILL the only people that hit you up are the exact OPPOSITE of that which you stated you are looking for?!?! Maybe if I say I am looking for a rotund, dwarfish troll with no intelligence and nymphomania I will actually hear from intelligent, secure, decent looking individuals interested in conversation and friendship. (And no, this is not at all reflective on my date this afternoon, that was great, and what I thought it would be.)

But, at least I still have one day left to my weekend, and I plan on making the most of it. Then, a four day week and a four day weekend to look forward to!!

Oh, on a side note: It is really difficult living with a cranky person with mood swings! I at least have a documented excuse….



One Quick Thing…

One quick thing before I run off….

As I had mentioned a few days ago, I am thinking about tearing down and completely rebuilding the House of Drama main site. I have a few ideas in mind, but was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions of things they would like to possibly see.

New areas under consideration are:

  • The F.U. Perv site (I think you'll like that one)
  • The Adventures of Sofonda Cox and Sandy Clam (do any of you remember a reference to this idea years ago?)
  • Cooking with Vegetables (This is dependant on a few things…)
  • A possible return of Clingy Bitches! (Qiana relit that fire…LOL)

I am also hoping a few of the other HoD Family members will be interested in revitalizing some of their neglected domains…We have all been busy bitches, and Qiana has the whole Gemini excuse in her favour as well LOL.

Let's see what happens!

Tootles for now,


PS. I am still somewhat miffed that B. Scott (who I adore) somehow managed to corner the field on the whole "Love Muffins" phrase! Matthew and I have been using it for years, but now can't for fear of people saying we lifted it…Damn! Damn! Damn!


Subdued Saturday (Totally Random Thoughts)

Ahhh, the weekend, or for me, the second day of it. One thing I must say I love about my job is the three day weekends!

So far, so good with keeping to my resolution of keeping my blog updated. Let's see how long it lasts…

Yesterday was mostly a wash for me, especially since I slept most of the day away, but I am entitled. Today's agenda actually calls for me leaving the house and doing some things. I have already gone out to run my errands and return my movies to Blockbuster. One Missed Call was ok, and I will leave it at that. Day of the Dead was a bit of a disappointment. Speaking of disappointments, my Yahoo! Launchcast Radio isn't working for some reason. I just keep getting this looped message of "This station's playlist has concluded". Yahoo! Just seems to get worse all the time.

As some of you may know, Monday was my birthday. Amazingly, I did actually feel older! I am now 33, which has me a bit nervous, because as I have mentioned once or twice before, I have always had this somewhat odd premonition that I would die at the same age as my father, which means sometime within the next 11 months for me. In light of recent health issues, it seems like I may unfortunately have been right. I guess if by April of 2009 there are no more posts from me, you will all know.

Trying to keep on a positive note…

More later,



16 May 2008

Ok, so while I may be exhausted and somewhat delirious….

I might as well do some recapping since

  1. I can't sleep
  2. I don't have to work tomorrow
  3. I feel like writing

One of the majour events of the past year and a half was a roller coaster of a relationship. Now, I won't be providing names, but some of you know to whom I am referring. We met on December 16th, 2006, just before I started my new job. We hit it off right away after meeting in a bar I used to frequent. Yes, I know, I have always preached about the whole thing of meeting someone in a bar…

So, anyway, things seemed good at first until I started to learn a bit more about him. He stated up front that he like to use recreational substances, but that he was a social user. I accepted that, because as most of you know, I do not, on principal, have a problem with responsible use. Unfortunately, this was not exactly the case. As time went on, his use became more frequent and heavy, eventually leading to lost jobs, being put out of his house, alienation, etc. I tried to be supportive through his two trips through rehab, but eventually the strain and constant drama took its toll. Even now, the pattern repeats itself, and I find it difficult to even try to just be a friend. Currently he is out on a binge, and no one has seen him or been able to contact him. He isn't answering the phone, returning calls, and hasn't been home since Tuesday morning. His mother called me this evening asking if I had heard from him. I truly hope he is ok, but like I told her, he is 33 years old and has to be responsible for his own life. When he is ready to go back to her house, he will contact her. It sounds so heartless, but really, you can't change people or stop them from doing what they are determined to do.

Time for sleep now….


15 May 2008

The end of another week….

Thank God I have made it through another week! As mentioned, I am trying to get back on track with lots of things in my life that have somewhat slipped away over the past year or so.

A quick recap of the past year or so (I will try to go into more detail in future posts)

  • Had a very turbulent, sometimes disturbing and traumatic relationship
  • Spent my vacation in the hospital
  • Lost weight through organ removal
  • Succeeded at getting the job I wanted
  • Had a car accident
  • Became socially isolated
  • Underwent a personality shift
  • Learned what true rapid cycling can be
  • Took myself off of most of the pills I was taking
  • Did some travelling
  • Began to reprioritize my life

Needless to say, I have material for several future posts. Keep checking back, or better yet, subscribe to the blog.

Till next time,


14 May 2008

What a strange ride it has been…

I know that for the past year and a half or so I have been really bad about posting, and for that I am sorry. Sometimes our lives can spiral so out of control without us even realizing what is happening. This has been my life for far too long. I feel as if I lost so much of 2007, and I refuse to let 2008 slip by as well.

I am going to try and recap the events of the past year, and keep a more routine schedule of posting. Hell, if I am paying to have a domain, I might as well use it, and with so much going on not just in my own life, but the world in general, I should have a lot to talk about. Bear with me as I try to get back up to speed. Also, be on the lookout for a (hopefully) updated and revamped House of Drama site soon. I have been brewing up some new ideas for content, and discussing several new areas for the site. Of course, if you have any suggestions (assuming anyone even still takes the time to look here), please feel free to drop me a line at randy@houseofdrama.net.

Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things!


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