My Mind: Subdued Saturday (Totally Random Thoughts)

17 May 2008

Subdued Saturday (Totally Random Thoughts)

Ahhh, the weekend, or for me, the second day of it. One thing I must say I love about my job is the three day weekends!

So far, so good with keeping to my resolution of keeping my blog updated. Let's see how long it lasts…

Yesterday was mostly a wash for me, especially since I slept most of the day away, but I am entitled. Today's agenda actually calls for me leaving the house and doing some things. I have already gone out to run my errands and return my movies to Blockbuster. One Missed Call was ok, and I will leave it at that. Day of the Dead was a bit of a disappointment. Speaking of disappointments, my Yahoo! Launchcast Radio isn't working for some reason. I just keep getting this looped message of "This station's playlist has concluded". Yahoo! Just seems to get worse all the time.

As some of you may know, Monday was my birthday. Amazingly, I did actually feel older! I am now 33, which has me a bit nervous, because as I have mentioned once or twice before, I have always had this somewhat odd premonition that I would die at the same age as my father, which means sometime within the next 11 months for me. In light of recent health issues, it seems like I may unfortunately have been right. I guess if by April of 2009 there are no more posts from me, you will all know.

Trying to keep on a positive note…

More later,



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