My Mind: No, I haven’t fallen backwards…

24 May 2008

No, I haven’t fallen backwards…

I know, it has been almost a week, but I haven't fallen back on old habits, I just haven't been feeling well. Wednesday night I ended up paying a visit to the friendly neighbourhood Emergency Room. What joy! What bliss! What rapture! FYI, if you ever have a CT scan you will know that it is not a fun sensation when they inject you with the contrast dye! Anyway, fortunately they didn't find anything grossly abnormal, though I have to go back on Wednesday for further testing. In a way I am relieved they didn't see anything on the scans, but at the same time, at least if they did I would have a better idea of what is going on, and they would have a better idea of how to treat me. It's almost like involuntary anorexia! I am literally becoming afraid to eat, because every time I do, I end up in horrible abdominal pain requiring large amounts of Morphine. Hopefully they will get a better clue this upcoming week. Fingers crossed…



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