My Mind: Subdued Sunday

25 May 2008

Subdued Sunday

This has definitely been an interesting, though not exciting weekend. I have bumped into a few people whom I have not spoken with in a few years, which is a good thing. I am also trying to get myself back up to speed with some normal activity, though I still cannot eat normally. I spent all day today online listening to music, watching videos, and chatting with friends. Not a very productive day in a typical sense, but a very necessary day, nonetheless!

I was very happy to get a chance to talk with Matthew this morning. We chat online on a regular basis, but this was the first time we actually talked in a while. Oh, FYI, he has also begun blogging again, so let's see if we can both stick with it this time. It is after all, quite therapeutic in many ways. For those who may not remember, the URL for Matthew's site is http://matthew.houseofdrama.net. Now how easy is that?!

I am also glad that today has been a quiet day on the street. The people across the street, and I use the term people very loosely, are beyond tedious, trying, tacky, and tawdry! To say I cannot stand them is an understatement! Ever since they have moved in there has been non-stop commotion. I can only hope that they lose their lease on the house, since they are renting it. Those of us who own our homes are so fed up with them and their antics it is ridiculous! Ok, I'll just come right out and say it, they are TRASH!!! Keep checking back, as I am sure there will be future mention of them, unfortunately.

Anyway, it is getting late (God! I am getting old when 10:15 p.m. is late!) and I still have to go do the dishes and take the dogs out for their last walk.

Oh! I just remembered! Tomorrow is a holiday! WooHoo for the 4-day weekend!



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