My Mind: One Quick Thing…

17 May 2008

One Quick Thing…

One quick thing before I run off….

As I had mentioned a few days ago, I am thinking about tearing down and completely rebuilding the House of Drama main site. I have a few ideas in mind, but was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions of things they would like to possibly see.

New areas under consideration are:

  • The F.U. Perv site (I think you'll like that one)
  • The Adventures of Sofonda Cox and Sandy Clam (do any of you remember a reference to this idea years ago?)
  • Cooking with Vegetables (This is dependant on a few things…)
  • A possible return of Clingy Bitches! (Qiana relit that fire…LOL)

I am also hoping a few of the other HoD Family members will be interested in revitalizing some of their neglected domains…We have all been busy bitches, and Qiana has the whole Gemini excuse in her favour as well LOL.

Let's see what happens!

Tootles for now,


PS. I am still somewhat miffed that B. Scott (who I adore) somehow managed to corner the field on the whole "Love Muffins" phrase! Matthew and I have been using it for years, but now can't for fear of people saying we lifted it…Damn! Damn! Damn!


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