My Mind

29 April 2009


If you have reached this page, you are at the placeholder for the real site. Please go to http://mymind.houseofdrama.net for the live blog!

13 March 2009

I heart this!

In The Know: Should We Be Shaming Obese Children More?

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07 March 2009


I have learned that I am developing a new method of communicating with people. It's brutally blatant and unapologetic. I like it! Before I would be honest, but diplomatic. That no longer seems to be so much the case. It is what it is, and you can deal with it, cry, or fuck off. It's like my "inner fuck you" is taking over, and I like it. I feel less stressed, more liberated, and a hell of a lot less sublimated! WooHoo for being in your face!



04 March 2009

The Intermittent

I had almost forgotten about "Why? Wednesdays".....

Let's see, what would be a good topic for this edition? Hmmm....

There's the obvious:

The political:

The theatrical:

But let's deal with the observational. Why is it, apparently any gay male named Michael seems to be either fucked up or damaged? Interestingly, I am not the only person who has noticed this, based on recent conversations.

Mull it over.


Interesting or just random?

I was going through an online shopping site the other day, and stumbled across an interesting item for sale. It is a portable survival kit. With the economy being what it is, global tensions rising, and 12/21/2012 not too far away, I figured I would see what it contained.

The part I found interesting was this:

Do you think the intent of the 2 nylon ropes is so the 2 adults for whom the kit is designed can hang themselves when the 6 days of food have run out, and the looters are at the shelter door?

Food for thought...

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27 February 2009

I think...

I think I am making a conscious decision to stay single. I have come to realize, people are just too damaged and fucked up for me to even bother dealing with. They may not see their actions as escapism, but truly, they are. You know who you are! Oh, and learn how to properly communicate. I could have better conversations with far more content, excitement, and detail with Helen Keller!

Is it bad I am almost looking FORWARD to December 21, 2012, being the end of days?

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22 February 2009

Fair-weather friends..

It seems as if this is becoming way too much the norm as of late. That being said, I am wondering, is it that people are just that poorly socialized in this day and age, or have we truly become just that generally fucked up that playing games with people has become "acceptable"?

You want to play that game? Game's on! Oh, BTW, you are aware of what tends to happen to people who fuck me over, right?


15 February 2009

Random Rambling

You should be used to such things from me by now...

Anywho, I have learned that my new approach to how I view certain aspects of the world is benefiting me somewhat well.

I have stopped investing time and energy into non-worthwhile endeavours, choosing instead to allocate my energies into projects with a definite benefit to me. This is taking shape in a few areas of life, including interpersonal relationships. No longer am I investing undue effort to people to whom there is no real future of lasting, meaningful interaction. (No, I am not talking to YOU, and YOU know who YOU are that I am NOT referring to! LOL) As stated in a recent post, fair weather friends are no longer being tolerated, so get to steppin!

Well, on that note, I am off to watch The Gay Bed & Breakfast of Terror.

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31 January 2009

Is it just me? Am I the only one?

Quick question...

Am I the only person who either after a relationship ends looks at the person with whom they have been replaced, or even during a relationship looks at those they have replaced and thinks..

"What the hell is wrong with me?!?" or "Am I that ugly/irresponsible/pathetic/adjective of choice?"

I have noticed I do this often, and have for quite some time. I know we all have different tastes and qualities we look for, but damn! I look at some of the people that exes have dated and think, if that is their typical type, I must be REALLY sad and ugly. Occasionally though it goes from a woe is me to an ego moment of "Hell, I was the best thing they ever had!"

But on either side of it. Is it just me?

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30 January 2009

Quick comment

Share that amongst yourselves.


17 January 2009

Time for a break

Just a real quick post. In light of some recent events, I have decided the time has come to take a break from the online world. I have learned that my misanthropic nature is getting the better of me as of late, and I am tired of banal interactions. So, that being said, I am taking a break from the online world. Those of you who have my real e-mail address can feel free to contact me that way, otherwise, I wil return when I feel like it. All the best!

03 January 2009

Madonna - Voices

These lyrics just really speak to me right now. I can completely relate!

First you say you love me
Then you wanna leave me
Then you say you're sorry
You play the game so well
I bought your illusion
You're the greatest salesman
How could I refuse you
When you sold it to yourself

Can anyone guess to whom I am referring?


01 January 2009

Happy New Year! Welcome 2009!

To all of you, a happy, healthy 2009!! May it be better than 2008!

(No! This isn't me!)


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28 December 2008

The Journey From HELL!!!

Ugh!! I have had the journey from HELL!!!

First and foremost, let me just warn everyone who may ever see this post.

Never, ever fly US Airways!!!! I repeat, NEVER fly US Airways!!!!

They have to be the most innept, non-customer oriented airline on EARTH! I wouldn't subject a prisoner on death row to that airline!

My flight home left Albany on time on Friday, for my connection in Philadelphia. That is where the journey into Dante's Inferno began. First, the flight was showing as delayed for two hours. Considering I had been stuck for five hours on my connection the previous Saturday, two hours wasn't too bad. As we are on the jet-bridge, boarding the plane, they cancel the flight. I will leave some of the nastier details out (though feel free to ask me in the comments for more detail), but needless to say, I was stuck in Gloucester City, NJ for two days, at my expense, with no luggage, at a Quality Inn in the middle of nowhere. I am still LIVID!!!

Perhaps when I calm down a bit, I will post more on this DRAMA!

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26 December 2008

Flying back home

Well, the journey to NY is at its end, and it is time for me to get ready to fly back to Chicago. While the trip was good, I am definitely looking forward to getting back home, seeing my pets, and sleeping in my own bed. Plus it will be nice to feel free again. There is something about staying with family that has an oddly disturbing, regressive feel to it. Seeing friends was a definite good thing, and my sister and I seem to have bonded, so it was a worthwhile trip! Too bad Albany seems to have died a tired, tacky death....

25 December 2008

Not on Christmas!

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Merry Christmas

A quick holiday wish from me, to you! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

This was the Nativity scene for 2008!

22 December 2008

Something I Don't Often Do

This post is going to be a little bit out of the ordinary for me. Usually I keep certain things a bit closer than a post, but as I have been "preaching" to another friend lately, sometimes releasing issues out into the blogosphere can be truly therapeutic. A catharctic release, if you will.

The past several weeks, since very early November, have been extremely difficult for me on a personal level. I lost a very special and important relationship early in november. As some of you know, I had been dating Michael (sexykool1) for a while, and back in August he had proposed to me. We were supposed to be getting married this week, perhaps why events are hitting me at this time. Well, in November he showed up one Saturday morning, and without warning dropped a bombshell on me, that he was ending the relationship. Originally it was because he thought I was taking him away from God, he wanted to focus more on his career, but he didn't want to date other people, or have "relations" with other people. Interestingly, within an hour of his "revelation" he had personal ads up around the net. A few weeks go by, and it is Thanksgiving. The day after he calls me, and then e-mails me:

Sent:Fri. 28.11.08 6.47 pm
To:"Randy "
Subj:Re: Nice to hear from you too

Its finally hitting me, and hard :( funny I'm putting up the tree listening to music. I thought of you and this song one of my favorite by shirley merdock comes on now I'm balling. I'm so so so very sorry baby

This then led to a few weeks of back and forth of random messages from him such as an early morning text message that he just woke up thinking of me, and had to tell me he loved me. Finally, it led to a four hour late night call where he expressed that he wanted to get back together, to work things out, and to fulfill everything we had planned, including getting married. I at the time expressed to him my concerns with his changeability, which he said he understood, and wanted to prove his sincerity to me. He went so far as to changing his online profiles to state he had someone good in his life, and was no longer looking for anything more than friends.

However, within 24 hours, his position once again changed, and he was back online, per his own profile, looking for any type of hook up he could find.

Needless to say, I know that I am not, nor was I ever the problem. He is the shining example of the "Grass is Greener" mentioned in a post a few weeks ago. I also know that I have neither the time nor the inclination to deal with such nonsense, especially from a 40 year old man.

What makes it even more sad is the fact that I have dealt with people with far more deep-seated issues of an emotional nature, including substance abuse issues, who have been more sincere, more caring, and less, hell to be blunt, less fucked up than this one individual. Do I have qualms about using his real name? Hell no! If he can be out on the net peddling himself, then I can quite unabashedly call it out.

Right now, I am sleepy, but will continue this post soon! He isn't the only example of this behaviour recently encountered.

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15 December 2008

Good Bye XM

Well, that was painful. I just had to cancel my XM radio, because their "new" lineup is just absolutely DREADFUL!! Ever since they merged with Sirius they have gone down hill. I went with them originally because they had a much better lineup in contrast to the crap on Sirius. What do they do? They get rid of their good channels and replace them with the crap from Sirius.

To anyone considering the new Sirius XM or whatever they call themselves currently, don't waste the money. You can get better music for free through Yahoo.

Was there really that much demand for an ABBA channel? Really?

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12 December 2008

I don't think I could be more random if I Have you ever eaten grilled alligator?

Well, kiddos, it has been a week. One more till my return to NY for some decompression (and hopefully NOT decomposition) with my near and dear.

A lot has transpired in the past few days, seemingly without much effort on my part with even leaving my house.

I have encountered Sybil. Yes dear, you are found guilty of assholism.....

I have also encountered greatness. I am so thankful to have met you.

What's to come? Stay tuned to find out!



06 December 2008

Venting on a Snowy Saturday

Continuing on a theme (sort of), people still do not cease to amaze and baffle me! This is actually applicable on a few fronts.

On the personal front, people really just need to get it together! If you create an unpleasant situation for yourself, you need to take responsibility for your actions that led to the situation, and if possible, make necessary corrections to bring you back to a harmonious state. Acting as changeable as the wind does not, and will not help your cause, and is in fact, a big reason behind your current state. Here's a hint: if you really want someone to be a friend, don't be a fair-weather friend in return. When you treat someone like a convenience (as you are treating me), don't be surprised on that day you get a rude awakening that I am no longer around!

Think about it, till next time...


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