My Mind: The Journey From HELL!!!

28 December 2008

The Journey From HELL!!!

Ugh!! I have had the journey from HELL!!!

First and foremost, let me just warn everyone who may ever see this post.

Never, ever fly US Airways!!!! I repeat, NEVER fly US Airways!!!!

They have to be the most innept, non-customer oriented airline on EARTH! I wouldn't subject a prisoner on death row to that airline!

My flight home left Albany on time on Friday, for my connection in Philadelphia. That is where the journey into Dante's Inferno began. First, the flight was showing as delayed for two hours. Considering I had been stuck for five hours on my connection the previous Saturday, two hours wasn't too bad. As we are on the jet-bridge, boarding the plane, they cancel the flight. I will leave some of the nastier details out (though feel free to ask me in the comments for more detail), but needless to say, I was stuck in Gloucester City, NJ for two days, at my expense, with no luggage, at a Quality Inn in the middle of nowhere. I am still LIVID!!!

Perhaps when I calm down a bit, I will post more on this DRAMA!

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