My Mind: November 2008

27 November 2008

Yes, I am still in the Etta James moment...


Giving Thanks

Today is of course a day to give thanks. First and foremost, I would like to give thanks for all of the wonderful people in my life. As we all know, life can be a true rollercoaster, and without you, I would have probably gone flying off the tracks right now. I am also thankful for the new people I have met in the past few weeks. I hope our friendships will continue to grow.

I am also thankful for the experiences of life. While some may be extremely hurtful and difficult at the time, they allow growth to occur. I wouldn't be who I am today were it not for a lot of the painful experiences I have gone through.

In short, may everyone have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving. May we all not end up in a food coma!

Till next time...


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25 November 2008

Yeah, it's old, so what? We tolerate lots of old things lately...


24 November 2008

Are YOU a "grass is greener"?

I haven't directly (to the best of my knowledge) addressed this issue before, but being a recent victim of such thinking, I decided to throw it out there.

In case you are wondering what I mean by being a "grass is greener", they are people who have something good going in their lives, but aren't content, always wanting something else, thinking it will be better than what they have. This can take many forms. In the relationship arena, this is the backbone of adultery. A person can be in a stable, loving relationship, but still want something else to "scratch that itch". Rather than address the issue, they simply take the easy way out. It doesn't always mean cheating, it can manifest in myriad ways, but that was the one that came first to mind. Another way a grass is greener may operate is having something stable, and giving that up merely for the thrill of the chase. These tend to be the more immature "gig"s, and often they are the one's who end up old and lonely, living in their parent's basements. Sometimes this is interchangeably described as a mid-life crisis.

A few things to ponder if you are a "gig", or think you may be or know one (one is an old quote of mine, the other I recently picked up):
So, are YOU a "gig"?

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23 November 2008

Ok, so once upon a time

Once upon a time, my nickname was Drama, the boy who's won 50 Emmy's with no place to put them. That was back in the early 90's, and the genesis of the House of Drama. Since then, the woman who gave me the name has unfortunately met a bad fate.

מאי שלום לך.
(May you have peace)

In the ensuing 15 years, a lot about me has changed. It is only recently that I have fully realized just how much. And while some of the changes have definitely been beneficial, some things need to come back to the fore.

That being said, the passivity I have become far too comfortable with the past few years is at its end. I have allowed myself to take too much, far more than I used to, in order to merely avoid conflict which I detest; however, in the process, I have allowed myself to be trampled on on more than an acceptable number of occasions.

For those who have known me for a considerable period of time, you know how I was, and what I have become. Isn't the former preferable to the latter? For those who have only known me for the past 2 years or so, I think you have seen glimmers of what is there, but watch out. (If you read far enough back in the blog, you might get a clue.)

Some of you better be prepared, because you know there are a few of you out there who ran some game on me and thought you got away with it. Karma is on her way!

Till next time...

22 November 2008

Getting back to normal...sort of

Well, the past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me, but I am finally starting to see the light. I won't go into details, but there has been a rather large change in my life. Whether it is good or bad is still up in the air, but regardless, it is what it is, and I cannot change it, so I learn to adapt.

Hopefully I will get back to regularly posting. Also, a new contributor is joining the HoD family, so stay tuned...


09 November 2008


Hello All...

Well, I am still trying to get myself adjusted to the change of season. I still am not quite at the point where darkness at 5:00 p.m. is working for me. I think I am having a tinge of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Joy! Bliss! Rapture!

Thankfully, I have been putting my Netflix membership through its paces. This week end, I decided to go to Russia with the films Night Watch(Nochnoy dozor) and Day Watch(Dnevnoi dozor). Both were entertaining, though I definitely think Night Watch was the better of the two. I am now looking forward to the final installment of the trilogy, Twilight Watch, though it may be a few years for that one.

Oddly, my third week end film was An Inconvenient Truth, totally in a different direction.

I also bought a few DVD's, again, in a completely (well, maybe not, considering me...) random genre selection. Picked up Killer Drag Queens on Dope with Alexis Arquette, Tricky: A Ruff Guide, and Portishead: Roseland NYC Live.


04 November 2008

WooHoo!!!! Finally!!!!!

Finally, there is hope once again for this country!


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