My Mind: Are YOU a "grass is greener"?

24 November 2008

Are YOU a "grass is greener"?

I haven't directly (to the best of my knowledge) addressed this issue before, but being a recent victim of such thinking, I decided to throw it out there.

In case you are wondering what I mean by being a "grass is greener", they are people who have something good going in their lives, but aren't content, always wanting something else, thinking it will be better than what they have. This can take many forms. In the relationship arena, this is the backbone of adultery. A person can be in a stable, loving relationship, but still want something else to "scratch that itch". Rather than address the issue, they simply take the easy way out. It doesn't always mean cheating, it can manifest in myriad ways, but that was the one that came first to mind. Another way a grass is greener may operate is having something stable, and giving that up merely for the thrill of the chase. These tend to be the more immature "gig"s, and often they are the one's who end up old and lonely, living in their parent's basements. Sometimes this is interchangeably described as a mid-life crisis.

A few things to ponder if you are a "gig", or think you may be or know one (one is an old quote of mine, the other I recently picked up):
So, are YOU a "gig"?

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