26 February 2006
The 5 day rule is at day 2
Some of you know what I am talking about. Stay tuned for updates!
24 February 2006
The end of another week
Well, this week has flown by, probably because it was so stressful.
My grandmother was hospitalised, but is doing better now. They have put her in a nursing home for a while for physical rehabilitation, but things should get better soon.
Work has been a bear, and the interview didn't pan out. Turns out they think the position may be too physically demanding for me. Oh well, there are more things out there, and at least I am still gainfully employed, if not happily employed :-)
Not sure yet what the weekend holds in store......I shall find out in time.
The online "game" seems to be going well. Ironically, a coworker got trapped up in something similar herself....poor thing
My grandmother was hospitalised, but is doing better now. They have put her in a nursing home for a while for physical rehabilitation, but things should get better soon.
Work has been a bear, and the interview didn't pan out. Turns out they think the position may be too physically demanding for me. Oh well, there are more things out there, and at least I am still gainfully employed, if not happily employed :-)
Not sure yet what the weekend holds in store......I shall find out in time.
The online "game" seems to be going well. Ironically, a coworker got trapped up in something similar herself....poor thing
18 February 2006
A Typical (lately) Friday night

And this was at 11:45! By 1:30AM Saturday, the bottle were GONE.
What a great way to avoid the below zero temperatures outside! LOL
16 February 2006
Rainy Days
Well, today is just about one of the most dreary days in a while. We actually had a thunderstorm this morning, and it has been cold and rainy since.
I went and bought myself a new television last night. Sort of a preemptive measure before the old one in my room died. I got a nice LCD flat panel HDTV. I really can see the difference in picture quality, and now have more free space on my entertainment center. Now I can watch 24 in HDTV!! :-)
Since I have a nearly non-existent life at the moment, I have decided to begin another online "game". Now, I can't go into much detail, especially in case I get bored with it before it concludes, but I shall definitely post the outcome.....Some of you will have an idea of what I am talking about.....keep me motivated LOL!
I went and bought myself a new television last night. Sort of a preemptive measure before the old one in my room died. I got a nice LCD flat panel HDTV. I really can see the difference in picture quality, and now have more free space on my entertainment center. Now I can watch 24 in HDTV!! :-)
Since I have a nearly non-existent life at the moment, I have decided to begin another online "game". Now, I can't go into much detail, especially in case I get bored with it before it concludes, but I shall definitely post the outcome.....Some of you will have an idea of what I am talking about.....keep me motivated LOL!
15 February 2006
A Country Song?
Why does it seem like my life the past few days has been like a bad country song?
- I've got a terrible cold
- My TV is about to die
- My puppy keeps shitting on the floor
Ok, so things could be a hell of a lot worse, and quite often are for other people, so I shouldn't complain too much I guess.
I escaped Valentine's Day unscathed. It was the 21st anniversary of my father passing away. Never a good day for me, I did try and break out of the annual mourn fest that it had become. Who knows, in time I may finally enjoy the holiday again.
Otherwise, I have no real business to mention.
Ho humm.........
DAMN IT!! I said hum, ho!
13 February 2006
A Manx?
I received one of those e-mails today, the ones that tell you to describe the person who sent it to you, using only one word. So, I of course forwarded it on dutifully. The most interesting response..Manx. Am I truly that catty? I mean, granted, Matthew and I wrote the book on being mean and bitchy, it is a part of our collective charm, but to be called a Manx.....hmmmmm
Moving on.....
I got a response to one of my applications, and have a phone interview on Friday. Fingers are most definitely crossed, as I think I would really like the position, plus I would finally be working downtown, and can stop running my car into the ground with the 100 mile daily commute. Add to that the prospects of a normal work schedule, and real benefits. What's not to love? So, here's hoping things go well.
Moving on.....
I got a response to one of my applications, and have a phone interview on Friday. Fingers are most definitely crossed, as I think I would really like the position, plus I would finally be working downtown, and can stop running my car into the ground with the 100 mile daily commute. Add to that the prospects of a normal work schedule, and real benefits. What's not to love? So, here's hoping things go well.
10 February 2006
The end of another week
And I have no idea where the time went.
I feel as though the past few weeks have just flown by. It doesn't seem possible that just a little over a month ago, I was back in NY having a rowdy good time, and now I am back in the grasp of Seasonal Affective Disorder. A year ago this time, I was on a United flight to Amsterdam, and a great vacation. This year, I am going home to housetrain a puppy, and pray for something interesting to take place.
Hopefully I will get a chance to see Joe this weekend, as I have not seen him in over a week, as he has not been feeling well. Time will tell.
At least Matthew has been having an interesting time, hopefully enough for the both of us!
And last, but definitely not least, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shay, whose birthday was yesterday
I feel as though the past few weeks have just flown by. It doesn't seem possible that just a little over a month ago, I was back in NY having a rowdy good time, and now I am back in the grasp of Seasonal Affective Disorder. A year ago this time, I was on a United flight to Amsterdam, and a great vacation. This year, I am going home to housetrain a puppy, and pray for something interesting to take place.
Hopefully I will get a chance to see Joe this weekend, as I have not seen him in over a week, as he has not been feeling well. Time will tell.
At least Matthew has been having an interesting time, hopefully enough for the both of us!
And last, but definitely not least, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shay, whose birthday was yesterday
07 February 2006
Good Thing? Bad Thing?
Ok, not sure if it is good or not that I have next to nothing going on right now. It's not to say I am bored, just that there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary going on at all.
Is this the dreaded 30's finally catching up with me? Oh wait, that was when I bought the house, and my body started falling apart LOL.
I think I am developing an addiction to BBC Radio 4. It really isn't helping me with trying to not travel as much. I keep listening to the programmes and want to go back to Europe. I still believe that I was born on the wrong continent, and with the current administration in the White House, I definitely feel as if I am trapped in the wrong country!
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Is this the dreaded 30's finally catching up with me? Oh wait, that was when I bought the house, and my body started falling apart LOL.
I think I am developing an addiction to BBC Radio 4. It really isn't helping me with trying to not travel as much. I keep listening to the programmes and want to go back to Europe. I still believe that I was born on the wrong continent, and with the current administration in the White House, I definitely feel as if I am trapped in the wrong country!