My Mind: Rainy Days

16 February 2006

Rainy Days

Well, today is just about one of the most dreary days in a while. We actually had a thunderstorm this morning, and it has been cold and rainy since.

I went and bought myself a new television last night. Sort of a preemptive measure before the old one in my room died. I got a nice LCD flat panel HDTV. I really can see the difference in picture quality, and now have more free space on my entertainment center. Now I can watch 24 in HDTV!! :-)

Since I have a nearly non-existent life at the moment, I have decided to begin another online "game". Now, I can't go into much detail, especially in case I get bored with it before it concludes, but I shall definitely post the outcome.....Some of you will have an idea of what I am talking about.....keep me motivated LOL!

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