My Mind: A Manx?

13 February 2006

A Manx?

I received one of those e-mails today, the ones that tell you to describe the person who sent it to you, using only one word. So, I of course forwarded it on dutifully. The most interesting response..Manx. Am I truly that catty? I mean, granted, Matthew and I wrote the book on being mean and bitchy, it is a part of our collective charm, but to be called a Manx.....hmmmmm

Moving on.....

I got a response to one of my applications, and have a phone interview on Friday. Fingers are most definitely crossed, as I think I would really like the position, plus I would finally be working downtown, and can stop running my car into the ground with the 100 mile daily commute. Add to that the prospects of a normal work schedule, and real benefits. What's not to love? So, here's hoping things go well.

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