My Mind: February 2009

27 February 2009

I think...

I think I am making a conscious decision to stay single. I have come to realize, people are just too damaged and fucked up for me to even bother dealing with. They may not see their actions as escapism, but truly, they are. You know who you are! Oh, and learn how to properly communicate. I could have better conversations with far more content, excitement, and detail with Helen Keller!

Is it bad I am almost looking FORWARD to December 21, 2012, being the end of days?

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22 February 2009

Fair-weather friends..

It seems as if this is becoming way too much the norm as of late. That being said, I am wondering, is it that people are just that poorly socialized in this day and age, or have we truly become just that generally fucked up that playing games with people has become "acceptable"?

You want to play that game? Game's on! Oh, BTW, you are aware of what tends to happen to people who fuck me over, right?


15 February 2009

Random Rambling

You should be used to such things from me by now...

Anywho, I have learned that my new approach to how I view certain aspects of the world is benefiting me somewhat well.

I have stopped investing time and energy into non-worthwhile endeavours, choosing instead to allocate my energies into projects with a definite benefit to me. This is taking shape in a few areas of life, including interpersonal relationships. No longer am I investing undue effort to people to whom there is no real future of lasting, meaningful interaction. (No, I am not talking to YOU, and YOU know who YOU are that I am NOT referring to! LOL) As stated in a recent post, fair weather friends are no longer being tolerated, so get to steppin!

Well, on that note, I am off to watch The Gay Bed & Breakfast of Terror.

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