My Mind: The Sky Is Falling

29 September 2008

The Sky Is Falling

Or at least, that is what the news is making it out to be...

The House just rejected the $700B bailout, and Wall Street has just shit its pants.

For those of you who thought back in 2004 that gay marriage was a good enough reason to vote away everything that ACTUALLY MATTERED such as the Iraq war, the economy, true national security, the ability to afford the necessities of life, I hope you are going to enjoy the soup lines...

For those geniuses who thought it was perfectly reasonable to take out an interest-only mortgage on a house that you KNEW you couldn't afford, with the greedy thought you would flip the property, I hope you don't find the shelters too much for you.

For too many (almost eight too many) years, America has done nothing but produce greed and debt, at its absolute core, probably for no other reason than insecurity over the size of someone's dick. Manhood was questioned, let's bomb something. Manhood was questioned, buy a sports car. Manhood was questioned, buy a McMansion.

For those still thinking that controlling what other people do (abortion rights, gay rights, etc.) is more important than the best interests of financial security, I hope you get what you deserve, but don't subject the rest of us to suffering for you being a busy body, too concerned with things that have no impact on you. (Since many such people are rather simple, here is the short bus version: Don't agree with abortion, don't have one. Don't agree with gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. Simple, isn't it?)

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