My Mind: Well, it was a weekend

19 August 2008

Well, it was a weekend

The weekend has come and gone, and it was interesting.

Friday night we ended up going up to the North Side and hitting the Granville Anvil (don't even ask) and then Jackhammer. Might I just say, Jaegermeister is the devil! But I did kick some ass in darts! Oddly, the little Asian man mentioned in an earlier post was also at Jackhammer, this time in just a leather jock. Afterwards it was off to the gayest IHOP in the world, and home to pass out at 5:00 a.m.

Saturday saw a bright, sunny, mildly hungover day. Things did not go quite as planned thanks to a flat tire taking much longer than it should have to take care of. This also led to my sunburn...

Afterward, we did find a good grill and sushi bar called G-In, in Tinley Park. The Lovers Tray was delicious! Cold Stone Creamery provided desert on the way home :-)

Sunday was a laid-back day, with the now traditional breakfast at Blueberry Hill.

After breakfast, Reggi and his friend went to the Nature Centre, while Michael and I hit the grocery store, went home to prep for the cook out. Dinner turned out well, with steak, chicken, hot Italian sausages, roasted corn on the cob, coleslaw, tossed salad, grilled eggplant, Coronas, and Malibu and OJ's.

My weekends seem to be getting busier and busier. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?


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