My Mind: R.I.P. Houdini

06 June 2008

R.I.P. Houdini

Oh my God! This has been a really rough day for me. Those of you who aren't really pet people may not fully understand this post.

At 1:19 a.m. today, my oldest cat Houdini passed away in my arms. He was just a few months shy of being 9 years old. It was completely unexpected and sudden. He was next to me on the bed, purring, got up, walked over my legs, came back to lie down next to me, stretched, made an odd raspy gasp, and was gone. The vet speculates it may have been a blood clot or the feline equivalent of a heart attack, due to the extremely sudden and fast nature of it.

It may sound silly, but I was crying non-stop until 4:00 a.m., and have been doing so periodically since I got up this morning.


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