My Mind: Could it be???

23 September 2007

Could it be???

Yes, I am actually posting something!

This year has been the most disjointed, stressful, disorganized, oh, I might as well just say it HELLISH!!!!!!

I am finally in the process of trying to get my life back together to where I want it to be. IT has been, and for the next few months probably will be a very trying experience, but I am determined to get back to where I want to be. I made the first step in that direction yesterday by finally amputating a part of my life which has been holding me back for months. It is not an easy thing to do, but I am sure it was the right decision.

I will try my best to post regular updates, and get back into the habit of posting on the regular. Besides, it may actually be a good bit of therapy at the same time.

To everyone and anyone to whom I have not spoken in a while, I am truly sorry. I have not intentionally been ignoring anyone, and have not stopped thinking of you or valuing your friendship, but have just been in such a place where I have not been truly capable of adding value to many, if any, interactions with people.

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