My Mind: I can't believe it

04 December 2006

I can't believe it

It's been a month since I last posted a thing! I am slipping. It's not like I have had all that much on my plate lately, as I am still searching for the right job.

The trip to NY was great, and just what I needed, though the drive there and back was an absolute nightmare. Thankfully, on the way back I was able to stop in Cleveland and see my friend Tony. We went out, had dinner, hit a few clubs, and it provided me some down time from the 14 hour drive. Better late than never.....thanks Tony for your hospitality. Hopefully it won't take another year before we get to hang out again :-)

The holidays were fun. Fortunately, I didn't get sick until the Saturday AFTER Thanksgiving. Of course, I am stiull gettting over it, damned bronchitiis!!!

Had one interview just before the holiday, with a company called GQ Imports. If anyone ever gets called for an interview, or considers applying with them, beware. I did some research online, and it is a scam company. I knew once I got to the interview that it seemed a bit odd, and the fact the place was a storefront made me suspicious. Thank God for the research power of the internet!

Otherwise, not much is going on other than the job hunt. I toyed with the idea of going to Puerto Rico for a few days to get away from the winter weather, but so far I can't seem to get a flight with a reasonable cost to line up with availability with the inn I always stay at when I go. Hopefully something will come up soon, either on the travel front, or the job front to take my mind off the desire to travel LOL.

Anyway, time to get going for now. Hopefully it won't be another month before I next post.

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