My Mind: A moment to breathe

01 June 2006

A moment to breathe

Ok, so I finally have a chance to sit down and play a little catch up.

The weekend was WONDERFUL!!! Exactly what was needed. Seth & I spent the weekend dogsitting at his friend's place. Though, spending Friday through Monday on the Northside did make me miss the city just that much more!

Friday, after I got out of my unplanned day at work, I got down to the apartment, and we had a drink, and decided to head out to get some alcohol and some food. AS we were walking to the store, we stumbled across a new (or at least we had never noticed it before) Persian restaurant named Paradise. Ummm, how to descibe it? Well, the food was really good, the atmosphere was.......ecclectic...surreal....oh hell! It was just downright tacky! I loved it!!!!!!! :-) Didn't you just see that one coming? The rest of the evening saw us polishing off a bottle of Belvedere and just relaxing, listening to music, etc....

Saturday, we got up bright eyed and bushy tailed.....umm, yeah....that's it. Anyway, we proceeded off to the store for breakfast provisions and Starbucks. After Seth made a wonderfully yummy breakfast, we just watched TV and took a nap. See, a wonderful weekend doesn't have to be "exciting", just relaxing.

Saturday night and Sunday were similarly spent. Alas, Monday came, and it was time for the party to end :-(

So, back to the homestead I went, and had a new security system installed. Did I mention that I have a neighbour who is either running a crack house or meth lab? I haven't figured out which yet. And yes, like the saying goes, there is always one ghetto house on the block, and it, unfortunately, is my neighbour's. So now ADT is a friend of mine :-)

This week, being a short week already, sees me spending my days in the office, and unfortunately missing my day off with Seth :-( Hopefully tomorrow we can get together for a while, after I get out of work at 7. Maybe dinner or drinks.

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