My Mind: What to say, what to do....

15 May 2006

What to say, what to do....

I am bouncing off the damned walls today.

On my birthday, my doctor switched around my meds abit, and now I am alternating between being all sleepy, to wanting to do backflips through the office. I know it will take a little while to adjust, but this is hilarious, bordering on ridiculous LOL

My birthday itself went well, if not exactly as I had planned. At least this year my dear and nerar actually REMEMBERED my birthday! No bitterness, just stating the difference between this year, and last, you know the big 30!

I ended up, after bringing Seth home, and going to the good ole doc's, going home after hours in rush hour traffic, taking a nap, and heading over to Indiana to hang out with Alvin and Jason, and let the Crown Royal flow. We drank, smoked, and had a fabulous time, me in my tiara at all times :-) Evan gave me a really nice shout out on his webcast, so for that, I thank you from the bottom of my loving heart :-)

Seth had to work this weekend, so our communications were limited :-( But, I am looking forward to seeing him soon, and we do talk just about daily, so it's ok :-)

What do I have in store for this week?

Well, of course, being Monday night, I have to catch my weekly fix of 24. Other than that, tonight should be all about relaxation. Tomorrow will be a fun fun fun 12 hour day, with Shar being out and all, but I just keep telling myself that the insane hours now, grant me the four day work week I am growing to love :-)

I still can't believe how much laundry I still have to do! I have a lot of it washed, I just have to get off of my lazy ass, and actually get it folded and put away. I can be a bit of a procrastinator, around the house anyways. I put so much energy into my job, that sometimes there just isn't enough for the home too LOL.

Anyways, I am rambling in my quasi-manic moment, so I am going to go and find something else to go and try to burn off some of this energy.


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