My Mind: Tomorrow is the big day

11 May 2006

Tomorrow is the big day

Well, tomorrow I turn 31, and all I can do is hope that the next year is a hell of a lot better than this past year has been.

Today is a cold, rainy, dreary day, and it took me close to 3 hours to get to work because of the ever lasting road work on ALL the highways that I could take to get to work, and the fact that people in the Midwest cannot drive in rain to save their lives!!!! It is absolutely maddening! I have driven faster in blizzards when I lived in the Northeast, and people here lose their damned minds over drizzle.

Back to me and my birthday. I am looking forward to it hopefully being a new beginning for me. I have a lot to do though tomorrow, so I am hoping to at least be able to enjoy part of my day. Seth is coming down tonight, and we will probably do something low key, and tomorrow, after running a myriad of errands, I am getting together with Alvin and Jason to do something, although what remains to be seen. I am tempted to try my luck, and go to the boats to see if I can win some birthday cash! :-)

Feel free to leave me a comment if you have any suggestions on what to do for my birthday :-)

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