My Mind: Ok, so one time

16 May 2006

Ok, so one time

I was told that Wellbutrin was supposed to help with quitting smoking.

Granted, I have only been on it for about 4 days, but I have actually started smoking like a chimney! It's like I want a cigarette every thirty minutes. Fortunately, I have willpower, and am not smoking at every whim, but this is insane!

I am in the first hour and a half of my 12 hour day, and thus far, I am being very productive. Let's see how long this will last LOL. I keep telling myself "On Thursday, when your ass can sleep in, you will appreciate this temporary sacrifice of an extra 4 hours a day" I may just need to sleep in though to recover from this new schedule, but I will be saving a good chunk of change by not coming in one day a week. Between gas and tolls, I should be saving $50 a month, which can go to more enjoyable uses :-)

Well, I guess I should get back to the grind. Qiana isn't in for two more hours, so I need to handle the phones. Once she gets in, I get to play computer tech, and install the new printers. Joy! Bliss! I should put these tasks on my resume, but I don't think I do them often enough to consider them resume worthy. Do you agree, or disagree? Let me know.

I will TRY to give an update throughout the day, so you may witness my decline into exhaustion and insanity...till then... LOL

Put that shyt on your resume ! Why is this even a question?!?!?! AKA "Fake it till U make it Brugh"
btw email me my password and shyt
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