My Mind: How Time Flies

01 May 2006

How Time Flies

It doesn't seem possible that it was just about a year ago that I was stressing about buying the house, and now I want nothing more than to get rid of it and move back up to the Northside!

While I like the house itself, I feel so culturally isolated!!!! I miss the sounds of the city, the ability to just hop on the el when I feel like it. To get good Thai food!!!!!

But, instead of just bitching, I should also remember all that I have to be thankful for. For one, I have a wonderful man in my life, who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. I have a roof over my head (albeit in a isolated environment), a job (not the greatest job, but a job nonetheless), great friends, and my health. Soon I will enter the 31st year of my life, and I can only hope things keep getting better.

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