My Mind: Why is it........

06 April 2006

Why is it........

That all aspects of life can't be in sync? When the personal life is going very well, the work life is horrendous. When the career is going well, the personal life is non existant.

Things with Seth are going really well, and I feel blessed to have him in my life. Everything is going great on the personal front.

The job, however, is another story ALL TOGETHER.

I have never been as miserable at any job as I am becoming here. All they constantly do is reduce the number of employees, throw the work on already overburdened staff, and expect it all to be done in the same amount of time, and with no raise in sight.

I would say this is a problem with my company, but it is increasingly the norm in corporate America. Employers want more for less, all the while making the economic gap bigger between the have's and have not's. These companies don't seem to realize, once you demoralize a workforce, and limit the prospect of upward mobility, health costs will increase, as unhappy workers tend to have higher rates of absenteeism due to stress related health conditions, or shear burnout. Also, as wages stagnate, the ability of consumers to buy products will decrease as well. This ultimately affects the bottom line, and the cycle continues....

I guess it is all a part of the lack of foresight that is becoming an ever increasing part of American life.

I'm done ranting............for now!

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