My Mind: What a week

21 April 2006

What a week

As if the drama on Sunday/Monday wasn't enough, on Tuesday night, Seth came over, and we had a great night. Wednesday morning, we go to leave, and discover that I can't find my keys. So, needless to say, I start tearing up the house looking all over for them. Something told me to check Reggi's jacket pocket. Guess what I found? Not my keys, but his. He was in such a rush to leave for work (he leaves before I do in the mornings), that he grabbed my keys off the table, not noticing the GLARING difference in them, and hurried off to work downtown.

Needless to say, I had to first wait an hour for him to get to work on Metra, then, he had to go and catch another train to get back home. I had planned to leave the house by 8:00 A.M., but instead left at 10:40. We were not amused! LOL

The other fun thing to happen, little Miss Murphy decided it would be fun to play "chew through the laptop power cord". So, I have a dead laptop. Went to Best Buy to try and buy a replacement power source, and becasue it is me we are talking about it, it doesn't work!

So, I have to return that and get my $110 back, and order a true replacement from Toshiba, and it won't make it to me for 1 to 2 WEEKS. So much for my portable computing needs!

This weekend should be really good though. After work, I will be picking Seth up, and he will be spending the weekend at my place, so all should be love :-)

Before I forget!!!! I want to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOHN!!!! HOPE IT IS A GREAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Evan, whose birthday was Wednesday!!!

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