My Mind: Rain, rain go away

17 April 2006

Rain, rain go away

This weekend has been a mixed bag.

I have strep throat, again! Fortunately, unlike last year, I have it BEFORE my birthday, so I guess at least the timing is better. If you're going to be sick, at least don't be sick on your birthday.

Saturday, Seth and I went to the drive in out in the Western Suburbs. It was cute. We saw Scary Movie 4, which, while not quite as good as the others, was still funny.

Sunday on the other hand, was hell, at least Sunday night was. Things started out well, but then the storms began. We had A LOT of rain, and around midnight, Reggi noticed that there was some water in our basement. Upon further inspection, there wasn't SOME water, but rather a HELL OF A LOT OF WATER. As fast as we would try to get it up with the wet vac, it was right back. We filled the wet vac over 20 times! The thing holds 8 gallons, which means we pumped over 160 gallons of water out of the basement, and that was just up till 3 A.M., when it was necessary to get some sleep.

Needless to say, I am going into the office late, since it was necessary to vac things up AGAIN this morning. Thankfully, the rain has stopped, and the sun is shining today. The other good thing is, while the office downstairs did flood, the computer, being higher up on its stand, survived, but due to there being some residule water, I will be using the laptop upstairs for a while. Thank God for Wi-Fi :-)

More later!

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