My Mind: So sleepy...

08 March 2006

So sleepy...

So, last night was interesting. Went out to a bar for a birthday party for one of the owners. It was fun, but for some odd reason, my tolerance seems to have plummeted. Perhaps I had peaked? Must work on building it back up.

I am learning the difference between being in your 20's and being in your 30's. In your 20's, you can go out till 3 AM, and still be up for work, perky and refreshed. In your 30's, it is somewhat more of a challenge. (Note to self: don't take sleeping pill on the nights you hit the bar)

The evening itself had its ups and downs, but not the fun types of up and down. Two friends, currently residing in Indiana came out and met me, as well as a new acquaintence I met last week. We drank, we dished...it was mostly fun, except perhaps when I almost started a fire.....don't ask.

Could it be I am finally getting a life?

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