My Mind: A Fantastic Weekend

27 March 2006

A Fantastic Weekend

This weekend was truly special!

The guy I mentioned in an earlier post and I got together for a wonderful weekend. In case you are wondering why there aren't names being used, I am not sure if he wants to be identified in a medium such as this, so out of respect, I am not yet using his name. If he says it okay to do so, then I will begin to refer to him by name.

We got a nice jacuzzi suite in the suburbs, went to dinner, had drinks, and spent quality time together. It has been a refreshing experience thus far, and I am optimistic as to the future. We have so much in common so far, that I am hoping this isn't some dream from which I will awaken.

So now I sit in my office, listening to some music, burning my candle, and thinking about the future.

Which brings me to the interview from 2 weeks ago. The Universe works its magick in interesting ways, bringing situations and people into our lives for a reason, which often we cannot understand at the time. I believe that may the case now. As I review what I would be giving up were I to leave my current job, I wonder if it's a fear of leaving my comfort zone which is stopping me from being stressed about not hearing anything back yet. At least now I have my own office, with its little creature comforts, which some may think of as eccentric, but that is one of the perks of where I am right now. My eccentricites aren't frowned upon or forbidden. I can do my work, burn my aromatherapy candles, listen to my music. In a larger corporate environment, that wouldn't be possible, most likely.

More later.....

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