My Mind: You Ever Get That "Not So Fresh" Feeling???

08 January 2006

You Ever Get That "Not So Fresh" Feeling???

Then wash yo shyt! And not with the glitter rag either!

Moving on.....

This weekend has been......different. Went out last night, after spending the whole day just bumming around the house. I must have missed the busted drag queen memo, because there seemed to be a convention. Now, I have no prblem with dragons, but babies, if you are going to step out to a place, please put some grace in your face! Or at the very least, shave!

Heinekens and tequila shots did not even come close to making them look good!

Not much going on otherwise. Still waiting to hear back from the hospital in Sacramento regarding the recruiting letter they sent me. I spoke with the recruiter on Friday, and he said they were going through the responses and resumes, and would be picking the top six for interviews. I am truly keeping my fingers crossed!!!! Wish me luck!

Good luck on your interview! Dragons... lol.. that's a shame. You go to the wrong places to party!
Thanks for the well wishes :-)
Are you sure you weren't at the Waterworks Pub in Albany this weekend!!!!!

Good luck. I've been told Sacremento is beautiufl.
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