My Mind: Moving on with the positive

25 January 2006

Moving on with the positive

Ok, enough of the woe is me from Monday. The plubing issues have been repaired, and things on that front are back to normal. Thankfully I had the financial abitily to resolve the situation. Now I will just play "Rob Peter to pay Paul" but everything will work out fine.

Things are still progressing with the training of puppyliscious ( I should just rename her that), and she goes back to the vet on Saturday for her follow up shots.

The dating things is still going well. Joe and I are just about at the two month mark, and other than the typical ups and downs of any situation, things seem to be going well. The only issue is our schedules getting a little bit in the way, but hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to remedy some of that shortly.

Well, that is all for now. Check back later to see if I have anything new to report........

Film at 11 LOL

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