My Mind: The NY trip.....part one

29 December 2005

The NY trip.....part one

Ok, so I am finally regaining my liver functions after the several days in NY. It was an intense whirlwind of salacious, drunken fun!

My flight got in, amazingly on time Thursday, and after getting the rental car, it was off to the family's to drop things off. En route, Matthew called, and the plans for the evening were in formation.

We met up at his place, and started the evening off with Smirnoff Orange on the rocks, and headed off to the restaurant to get the evening underway!

There, I discovered a new love.....Pear Martinis!

Several of those later, along with hot wings, corn fritters, and a few Pumpkin Pie shots, and we were joined by Miss Amy Story.

Miss Story is a trip and a half....but we won't go there :-)

So, after John got off work, we decided to go to another bar, to continue the night's libations.

We get to a bar called Billy Jacks, and proceed to destroy whatever was left of our sobriety!

From what we have been told, Matthew and I were more than a tad bit loud..... thanks to several more drinks!

Ranging from yelling at the bartender about turning on the dart machine, to blurting out who has a drug problem, and with which drugs, and forcing a poor soul to expose himself in between(it was ashy and sad). We were at our drunken, rowdy best!

It's amazing how much you can accomplish when the liver you share with one of your bestestest friends isn't stretched 900 miles across the land LOL...

More later........

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