My Mind: Speaking a little piece.....

30 November 2005

Speaking a little piece.....

Now, as some of you may know, there is a certain blogger whom I read regularly, basically because I look upon it as a train wreck manual on how not to live one's life. Well, lately, it has just been too much for myself, and others to not speak upon. Per his usual ways, this was his response to others comments.

Again, poor dear Timothy reverts back to his Cindy Brady bratty personae. Dear, my thing is this, if you can't take the fallout, don't post your nuclear fuckin waste! And if anyone would seriously take the time and energy to track down their readers by IP address, well, plainly, you need some help. I should of course mention that this is also a person, who at the age of 28, is still prone to throwing jump up and down tantrums, so should we really be surprised? Truth is ugly, and hurts don't it baby?

Rest assured dear HoD readers, such paranoia and censorship will never be a part of any interactions with the House. Feel free to comment in any way you choose, good, bad or ugly. We will love you just the same. Just be prepared to be called on what you say :-)

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