My Mind: Poor Avery

12 November 2005

Poor Avery

Well, it is 1:00 AM, and I just got back from the doggie ER. Poor Avery, in her quest to try and get to my pizza, which was on top of the stove, got her claw stuck on the stove, and ripped it off. We couldn't stop the bleeding, and ended up rushing her to the 24 hour vet.

As you can see, she ended up with a fashionable pink bandage. Poor little House of Drama mascot :-(

Actually, Avery is the second of the pets to end up at the vet due to an attempt to get to the "people food". Back in 2001, Houdini (below) ended up with an extended stay at the vet after getting into the garbage, and eating an entire sheet of tin foil on which chicken had been baked. Tin foil is not a consumable LOL.

Should I even dare think that animal number three, Najinski will at some point do some similar act??

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