My Mind: The best weekend in a while!!

21 November 2005

The best weekend in a while!!

Well, this past weekend turned out fantastic!!

Bought some new CD's. Picked up the new Madonna, which has to be one of her best in years. Got the new Floetry, which I am still trying to get into past Superstar. Finally got around to getting Common's most recent release, and finally, bought a single of Avenue D's Do I Look Like a Slut? Yes girl, you do, and so does someone else who may or may not still read this blog. Not only is fur murder, but you seems to be ho'in for more than some coins!

Movin on........

Got to spend Saturday night, and a considerable portion of Sunday with Evan. It was absolutely wonderful, despite a few minour bumps in the road. (And U turns when someone in our party forgot their ID after we were half way to the club!). Saturday we met up with two of Evan's friends, grabbed some Corona's, some other party favours, and hit this club up in Lake County. Afterwards, Evan and I retreated to the Hampton Inn, and spent some time together. It was so nice falling asleep in his arms again. I look forward to it becoming regular again.......

Sunday, after we finally got up, we went down to the city, hit a few stores, and grabbed a bite to eat. Then I dropped him at the train station, so he could get back up to Gurnee.

It was a great weekend. I felt comfortable just being me. Something I have not felt able to do in a very long time. It was nice not having to live up to expectations of how I should be, but rather just be me.

Despite past events, I truly feel fortunate to have Evan in my life, and pray things remain that way for a long time.......Pure, open honest communication truly is the key!

yep you's a EEEEEVIL BITCH :)
Why, I have NO IDEA what you mean ;-)
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