My Mind: Time falls back

29 October 2005

Time falls back

Well, tonight time goes back an hour, and it seems to fit the pattern of my life...Things seem to fall behind.

Anyways, enough of that!

Last night after work, got together with Evan. It was a great evening. We went and grabbed something to eat, went back to his place, watched some TV, he did his webcast, and then we ended up talking until 4:30 in the morning. I then sleepily drove back home, and went to bed. I truly do enjoy the time I get to spend with him, and look forward to the day when it is easier to do, and more time is available to us. Since we both seem to be in the midst of chaos, for now things are what they are, but I am optimistic for the future!

I was supposed to go into work today, but that didn't happen. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!

I did get around to getting ready for Halloween. I even carved a jack o' lantern!

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