My Mind: Random

04 October 2005


I must say, the Universe takes extreme delight in throwing random shit at me.

Called Evan yesterday, to see how things were going. On Sunday when I spoke with him, the clutch on his car had gone out, and yesterday he was getting it repaired. He told me to call him back a little later on. I did, and left a message, and still haven't heard anything back. I envy people who can do their own car repairs. Hopefully things are working out for him.

Nothing new on the job search. I continue to submit my resume, looking for something closer to home and/or with better pay and benefits. Wish me luck!

On the NY front, was checking out the website of a club I used to frequent when I still lived back home, and stumbled across a picture of my ex, Tymus. The only way to describe the relationship we had (have) was the typical high school break up, make up couple. The twisted thing is, we always seem to harbour feelings for eachother, and if you put us in close proximity, our gravities tend to pull eachother together. Of course, the predictable emotional rollercoaster ensues, and then we don't speak for months, or years, until the next ride begins. Well, the last time I saw him was back in January, when I had gone back home for a few days to check on Matthew after his surgery. Below is a picture from January.

Well, in the picture I saw on the club's website.....well, all I can say is, I am concerned. You ever get that odd feeling when you look at something, and can just tell something is not quite right? That is the feeling I got after seeing the picture. I tried to call him, but his phone comes up as temporarily disconnected, which only adds to the level of concern. The second picture is the picture in question (in case this does its odd thing, the picture of just him is the recent one which generated concern). Now perhaps it is just me, and the fact I have known him for close to 10 years, as well as some other general knowledge I possess, but the picture, to me, generates concern.

Again, only time will tell, but I am hoping that everything is ok........

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