My Mind: Irony?

27 October 2005


It seems sort of odd, doesn't it, that oil companies, of all companies, are screwing us without lube?!?! I mean come on, who better to at least oil it up a bit?

Exxon Mobil announced 3rd quarter profits of $9.9 billion!!! Now, is it just me, or does that seem a bit odd? I mean, supposedly they were not price gouging us. Supposedly the price hikes were due to loss of production due to storms, yet somehow they managed to turn the largest quarterly profit in history!

Unfortunately, the American public has become so pathetically complacent that nothing will be done about it. Most of the American sheeple will have a moment of grumbling, and then just fall back into the drone of their proletariat existence.

In a way, it almost makes you wonder. In this society of pill popping automatons (be it prescribed or street drugs), is it even truly worth being fully cognitive and aware?

I will probably expand upon this a bit more later......

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