My Mind: Damned Tollway!!

27 September 2005

Damned Tollway!!

Well, today was supposed to be my early day at work, but thanks to the geniuses behind the I-294 reconstruction, it took 3 hours to get in today!!! So, I'm over it!

Was supposed to get together with Evan last night, but unfortunately, the Universe had other plans :-( We were going to get together after I got out at 7, but he fell asleep, and didn't hear the phone ringing. He did call as soon as he woke up around 10 (after his brother almost kicked down the door LOL) See, he not only didn't get together with me, but also slept through getting up to pick his brother up from work. Hey! Sometimes you have to listen to what your body is tellin ya!

Hopefully things will stay going on track with that :-) I can safely say that our communication issues, which played a large role in the break-up, if not resolved, are being worked on in a positive direction. Time will tell, ultimately, but for now, I am being optimistic!

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